About me

      Below you'll find links to pages in which I express my views regarding various topics.
As time goes by, the number of these links will grow.
As time goes by too, it's likely my views about these different topics will change ; I won't edit what I've already written, I'll just add a kind of erratum, a new text expressing my new vision of things or explaining some blurry points. I find it interesting to see how a thought can evolve with events and with what life teaches us. That's why I won't erase anything. It would be disavowing myself, but what I write is what I think and feel at the time I write it, so I have no reason to suppress it later.
For that reason too, I won't censore anything. At least to some extent because I think before I write (yes I do! I swear) and review my writings afterward to correct any mistakes and rephrase things if need be. This process imposes in itself a kind of censorship, which I'll try to minimise.

Death    Anarchy    Criticism of TV    Sports and politics    Conscience and Politics  

Political correctness   The Meaning of Life   Detention centres


© 2010 Fushichô